Qgoda is a static site generator. It is mainly intended for blogs but you can build any website you want with it. And by the way, it is pronounced "yagoda".
This documentation is work in progress. A lot of things missing here, and part of the things documented here documents a past or future state of the software. Well, and some parts of this documentation are plain wrong. That being said, it should also be clear that features can still change without notice, whether they are documented or not.
Nonetheless, Qgoda is in productive use since mid 2016 and already generating a handful of web sites without problems.
Setting up your own blog, portfolio or company web site with Qgoda is simple and straightforward. Yet, Qgoda comes with a unique feature set that makes even complex websites feasible and fun to implement. The highlights are:
This documenation is also generated using Qgoda. You can check out the
github sources, install Qgoda and
yarn, type qgoda watch
and you build your your own local version of the documentation.